The latest installation lectures available on video


Aalto University's newly tenured professors reveal the secrets of water-repellent surfaces and health promotive urban environment, among other things.


Tenured professors and President Ilkka Niemelä & Vice President Tuija Pulkkinen (on the left) and Vice President Eero Eloranta (on the right). Photo: Lasse Lecklin.

As part of the university's tenure track career system, the newly appointed tenured professors delivered their installation lectures on their own research 15 November 2017. The videos of the lectures are available on Aalto University's YouTube channel. The lectures are in English.

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Nina Granqvist
Aalto University School of Business

Robin Gustafsson
Aalto University School of Science

Marko Hinkkanen
Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering

Iiro Jääskeläinen
Aalto University School of Science

Petri Kuoppamäki
Aalto University School of Business

Mikko Kurimo
Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering

Marketta Kyttä
Aalto University School of Engineering

Yongdan Li
Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering

Harri Lähdesmäki
Aalto University School of Science

Masood Masoodian
Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Robin Ras
Aalto University School of Science

Zhipei Sun
Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering

Tenured Professors' Installation Lectures - Aalto University